Articles By Dustin

Website Domain Names

We are happy to broker or purchase a domain name on your behalf. Just let us know the name you want and we can secure that or provide alternative options. If you already have a domain name, great! In fact, we encourage …

WordPress: A Basic CMS Guide

WordPress powers over 50% of websites. It’s popularity is boosted, in part, by it’s user-friendly Content Management features. But for those new to WordPress, we thought an overview of some basic actions will help get you started…

Website Security and SSL

What is SSL? SSL is 2-way encryption between your website server and the users browser. This effectively makes eaves-dropping on user communication to and from your website futile for would-be hackers. Why do I need SSL? #1: For reason above. …

Website Hosting and Email

Website Hosting is a different beast to Website Design and Development, and for this reason we do not supply this directly but instead refer our clients to our sister company; Oblong Live. This way you know you are getting a service …

What browsers do we support?

As a standard, we aim to build websites that display and perform well on the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge. This amounts to more than 95% of active browsers – by usage. The main reason for not supporting older …

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